What is heritage ?
When defining the word heritage we can say that it’s the set of assets acquired by inheritance or by title (family assets, state assets, municipal assets … ). The culture refers to the lifestyle, the customs, and the knowledge of group of people in a specific period of time.
As a consequence the cultural heritage is a set of assets that are tangible or intangible proper to the culture of a group or a society… this cultural heritage is the identity of each society.
Moai statues, Easter Island Pyramids of Giza, Egypt Parthenon, Greece
Flamenco Las fallas, Valencia
As many might think the cultural identity of a socity is defined by the monuments, but it is not. The cultural asset is in fact the set of objects with historical or artistic value in addition the manifestation of huma culture with documentary capacity. Thi brand new vision was born after the second world war where most historical monuments were lost, which induced the transition from the traditional hsitory that was mainly based on mouments to the new history that focuses on the cultural assets ( humans, existence, works …)
Why preserving it ?
Preserving the cultural heritage seems essential and crucial if we want to preserve the cultural identity. Containing it in catalogues is one of the keys for that to happen. Besides it is important to decide the value of heritage to intervene (cultural, artistic, aesthetic, historical, authenticity, antiquity, functional, social, economic value…)
What should be preserved ?
When talking about preservation we might think directly about the physical heritage, although the tangible cultural heritage has its own weight but on the other hand protecting the values (historic, artistic, social, economic…) is also crucial. Therefore to complete the task we should valorise all architectural heritage considerin its value.
How to preserve ?
To preserve we can proceed in two different ways -essential each one to the other-
- Protecting (laws, rules ….)
- Inventoring by enumerating, locating and describing the assets.
- Cataloguing also known as preventive conservation.
- Preservation: ensure survival against potential damages by reducing disturbing elements for example.
- Maintenance: puntual repairs to maintain it as long as possible.
- Repairing that is linkd to maintenance.
- Consolidation by preserving and reinforcing.
- Renovation by restoring to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding).
- Adaptation which is process of changing to better suit.
- Reconstruction by rebuilding, repairing, or restoring.
- Anastylosiswhich is the reconstruction of a monument from fallen parts.
- Restoration by bringing it back to a former position or condition.