A very good topic indeed. What is my environment as a foreign student? It could be my homeland, the country where I grew, where I lived since forever, where my family members are, or it could be the city of Valencia as it is where i live now for my studies, or maybe my actual room since it’s my personal space and the place where i feel most comfortable.
Let’s talk about my room!
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS PLACE ? As you might already know i’m a foreign student , i live here in Valencia with two of my rommates. Our appartment is located in the avenue of Blasco Ibanez -area where most of university students live- not that far from Mercadona which is good 🙂 . i chose to talk about my room since it’s a place that i love particularly, in fact when i fisrt moved in my room situation was pretty bad, but i managed to make look pretty and nice, which helped me feel good living far away from home. Perhaps one of the reasons why i chose my room is also the special view it has, i live in the 8th floor, this can give you an idea about how beautiful the views from my room’s window are -fun fact: i really enjoy sunsets that’s i never miss a day watching it from my room or the living room’s balcony-
WHAT MAKES YOU COMFORTABLE ? The thing that makes me comfortable would probably be the amazing views i get everyday from the two windows in my room. Sometimes during the afternoon i like to contemplate the activity of Blasco Ibanez, people going or coming back from the gym, old women and men running for errands, glovo’s delivering food using their bicylces and others out with their dogs for a walk.
IS THERE SOME DISRUPTIVE ELEMENT ? i think what disturbs me most is the noise at night that comes from Hondures but still i really like my neightbourhood for it’s safety.
DO YOU THINK YOU’D FEEL THE SAME WAY IN ANOTHER SPACE RIGHT NOW ? That’s one tricky question, i believe that each place is unique and special, each single environment is beautiful in it’s ow way. Although i miss home very much, spending time with my family, going out with my friends and driving around in my mother’s car 😉 , i still am grateful to study abroad not that studying in Morroco sucks, but it’s the entire experience that exites me most, being able to study, discover a new city, talk to new people and approach a different culture.
Look at the world with a child’s eye -it is very beautiful–
DO YOU THINK THAT THE CONDITIONS OF THIS SPACE INFLUENCE ITS OCCUPANTS ? HOW ? Sure, as i mentioned earlier decorating my room and organizing it was very exciting, i love art so it’s natural for me to arrange my place in a way that reflects my personality. That’s why in the beginning i didn’t like the room at all and it somehow affected my mood negatively the first two days, once i was settled out i felt so good and cozy. Moreover the light that enters each day throught the windows its intensity and its tones dresses the furnitures with distint colors every day which makes me want to take pictures every singe day.
“Atmospheres” written by Peter Zumthor, is a reflection about architecture in a general aspect.
In his reflection Peter mentions that as an architect he is continuously dealing with objects, different each one from another, as a result he found himself looking for the meaning of MAGIC OF THE REAL, as he considers that the real is beauty.
What is this “Magic of the Real” ?
Peter Zumthor believes that the magic of the real can for sure be achieved, but it requires more than one ingredient.
– The body of architecture
-Material compatibility

-The Sound of a Space
-The Temperature of a Space
-Surrounding objects
-Between Composure and Seduction
-Tension between Interior and Exterior
-Levels of intimacy
-The light on things
-Architecture as Surroundings
-The Beautiful Form